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gentle hatha yoga classes

reclaim your strength with our gentle hatha yoga classes

gentle hatha yoga classes | Mondays 11am – 12pm | Holgate Yoga Studio

We believe life is about illumination, continual growth and progression. Yoga is well known to give you a strong body that moves freely and with ease. A regular practice adds years to your life, and life to your years.

Our beautiful gentle hatha yoga classes in York are the best place to begin if you are returning to yoga after a break, recovering from an injury or an older adult. They’re also ideal if you’re looking for a daytime practice.

We want you to experience increased energy and vitality. We do this by focusing on postures that help you to improve or regain your strength, balance and flexibility, so you reduce the risk of injury and continue to enjoy life to the fullest.

Ideal for any age, classes blend together gentle yoga poses with moments of rest and relaxation. We pepper our teaching with bite-sized chunks of yogic philosophy and mindfulness exercises to expand your awareness beyond the mat.

Come along and try a free class and feel the benefits for yourself.

our gentle hatha classes are designed to…

fundamental postures
give you a thorough understanding of fundamental yoga postures
boost longevity & slow down the ageing process
encourage good posture & enhance your circulation
improve breathing & digestion
joint pain
alleviate joint pain & pressure, while building muscle strength & bone density
spinal agility
restore spinal agility & increase mobility
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While we enjoy classes together, everyone is on their individual journey. Each student works at their own pace and knows their limits. We understand that you may feel different each week. You choose your practice on the day. If you’re unsure what level you’re at, your yoga teacher is there to guide you.

By committing to Peacock Tree Yoga membership, you have something to look forward to in your diary that helps you reach your flexibility and fitness goals. Our gentle hatha classes are also a wonderful social moment in your week. With a superb atmosphere, filled with lively energy and a sense of lightness, they’re a fantastic way to make friends and become part of a vibrant wellness community.

what our students say…

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“first time I’ve touched my toes in 35 years”


First time I’ve touched my toes in 35 years!

Ian Woods, 56, Consultant Anaesthetist



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“I needed to look no further”


When I moved York, I tried 4 different classes – when I started Peacock Tree Yoga’s Gentle Hatha class I knew I needed to look no further!

Pat Hender, 74, Counsellor



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“I was a bit skeptical”


As a bloke, I was a bit skeptical to try yoga, but after my first lesson those thoughts vanished. It’s brilliant.

Ryan Hoey, 20, Student



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“I lost over a stone”


I lost over a stone in a year and the only thing I did differently was Peacock Tree yoga. I love it.


Sue Coe, 45, Customer Service Representative


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“I feel so different after a class”


Thank you very much for allowing me to join you,  I do  enjoy it soooo much both mentally and physically… I feel so different after I’ve done a class, it’s wonderful.

 Paula Longbone



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“sharing your knowledge”


I had a great experience on Thursday night.  Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your beautiful voice, calmness and devotion.

Ming Wang – HGH Accountants



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“wonderful uplifting energy”

  Thanks for a beautiful class this eve. It felt very special. And a huge thank you for your positive energy. Even when doing so much day to day you still bring the most wonderful uplifting energy.

Lauren Barry



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“an hour’s pleasure”


For me, each Monday you bring an hour’s pleasure (and much needed  exercise) and such a ray of Sunshine too!

Jack Marchbank


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“a sense of community”

  I always love the insight and knowledge you share.  You have a joyful and patient perspective in a very confusing daily routine for me. The thing above all that Peacock Tree yoga has given me is a sense of community, knowing that I gain insights from you and being able to connect to others in the world outside of my family and immediate friends.

Debs Whitwell


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“stepping out of the maelstrom”


Doing yoga with you is like stepping out of the maelstrom and having some tranquillity, not having to think about it all for an hour. It’s refreshing and revitalising.

Heather Walsh


see you on the mat!

We’re giving your first session completely free, so you can feel the fantastic effects of a Peacock Tree Yoga class for yourself.